Resonate 2015

Resonate - 2015

Fully responsive, single-page, interactive site for the Resonate conference 2015 - bringing together artists to drive a forward-looking debate on the position of technology in art and culture.

Visit site or watch a video run through

FLUUUID collaborated with @jocabola, @crookookoo and FIELD to create the new site for the annual Resonate conference, integrating new branding courtesy of Hudson-Powell, including playful transitions and animations througout the site.

As part of FLUUUID, I helped build the core of the site, including CMS and basic app architecture. FLUUUID was 100% responsible for the build, but worked closely with numerous collaborators during the course of the project.

The site is built on WordPress, with all content rendered in PHP, but is progressively-enhanced to become a fully single page application thanks to a modified version of UNIT9's coffee-bone boilerplate. Coffee-bone uses Backbone, Underscore, jQuery, TweenLite, Modernizr, Script.js, CoffeeScript, Sass, Gulp, Browserify, amongst other things.

The site makes use of PIXI.js for the animation overlaying the site. The site is fully responsive and heavily optimised for performance.